Want to create your own signature look? Our color blocking, banding, and trim options mean you can design a drapery that’s all your own.
With its carefully calculated fullness, mitered corners with corner weights, double-turned hems, and pattern-matched seams, your custom-made drapery is guaranteed to make your windows the centerpiece of the room.
Bali Drapery comes with a standard liner, but you can choose a blackout or thermal lining for additional privacy, energy efficiency, and protection from moisture. If you choose a sheer fabric, we leave the lining off so you can get the full light you’re looking for.

Tailored Roman Shades
With their crisp and perfect sophistication, Bali Tailored Roman Shades are the perfect complement to layer with drapery for ultimate light control and privacy.
Bali Tailored Roman Shades →
Visualize Treatments on Your Windows
Simply upload a photo of your window and start designing—or choose from our sample room scenes—for an exciting way to preview window treatments.
Bali Visualizer →